Tag Archives: .NET Core
ASP.NET Core and AngularJS – Part 2 – (Setup NPM, Bower, Gulp and IntelliSense)
[su_button url=”http://www.sigaostudios.com/2016/08/an-angularjs-in-net-core-journey-step-1/” style=”flat” icon=”icon: chevron-left”]Go back to Part 1 (Setup .NET Core)[/su_button] In our last post, we walked through setting up Visual Studio 2015 to work with .NET Core and created an Empty ASP.NET Core solution. We are going to finish up phase 1 in this post and will have a completed framework to begin our next phase in which we will build an AngularJS application. Phase 1 – Start
An AngularJS in ASP.NET Core Journey – Part 1 (Setup Visual Studio and .NET Core)
I’ve considered a lot of options for our first Sigao Studios blog post. And while there are many great options, I wanted to start with a series on creating a modern Web application using AngularJS and .NET Core. This guide will be designed for beginners and will walk through step by step a long journey to creating a complex application that uses plenty of cool technologies such as AzureAD, Docker
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