AgileKit : Meet The Brand

Welcome to AgileKit – an interconnected framework of Agile tools designed by agile coaches, scrum masters, and product owners to support Agile teams in product planning and construction.

AgileKit is an internal project we’ve been developing over the past 2 months. While developing core concepts for the applications as a whole, we started to notice the same ideas pop up:

  • Simple
  • Easy
  • Functional

When it came time to Brand, we took these same concepts into account.

First, we started with the color: “blue.” Yes, we understand the cliché of the color blue and tech. However, blue is the favorite color of most, if not all people.

“It’s nature’s color for water and sky but is rarely found in fruits and vegetables. Today, blue is embraced as the color of heaven and authority, denim jeans and corporate logos. [However, blue] has more complex and contradictory meanings than any other color. These can be easily explained by pinpointing by the specific shade of blue. Most blues convey a sense of trust, loyalty, cleanliness, and understanding.”

After searching through what seemed like a never-ending wasteland of blue’s, we finally found – the one. #296BFF embodies what we hope to convey about AgileKit: constant inspiration, serenity, and dependability.

Once the color was decided, next came the last and arguably most challenging aspect, construction of the mark itself.

AgileKit Logo Development

We went through a handful of ideas before the final mark really started to take shape.

First, we started with curly brackets and an icon of sorts inside. Then, we tried various versions of combining ‘ak’ into useful shapes – that went into a steep free fall ending with the genuine realization that it just wasn’t going to work. But that’s ok – We went back to the drawing board and decided a more stylized, and fluid shape was going to fit the AgileKit brand best.

Probably couldn’t explain just how the concept came about, it was more of a vague idea, out there in the ether. However, It started with this illustration of a sprint cycle.

Typical Sprint Cycle


And so it began.

AgileKit Brand - Designing the Mark 1

AgileKit Brand - Designing the Mark 2

The original idea was to have swooping lines to indicate direction. After several revisions, we noticed the mark moving further and further away from the core idea and beginning to get too messily detailed. Therefore, we decided to take several steps back and add more curves, instead of sharp lines – and thus, the final mark was created.


AgileKit: The Mark

AgileKit: The Mark Wireframe

The mark’s interpretation is up to the viewer, it could be a water drop, a planet, a blob, a blob with another blob, or our personal favorite – a very stylized version of a sprint cycle. Our hope is, regardless of what you actually see, you know it’s the simple, easy, and dependable software of AgileKit.


Introducing CreativeMornings Birmingham

This post was written by Sigao Business Development Manager Madison Hall.

In addition to being Sigao’s Business Development Manager, I’ve been working on a fun side project called CreativeMornings Birmingham! I wanted to share a little about it and the reason I’m bringing this group to our small-but-mighty city.

I’m originally from Atlanta, but after college I moved to San Diego to work for a tech startup called Lymber (which has since been acquired by Mindbody). Many of my coworkers, founders, etc., at Lymber were heavily involved in CreativeMornings.

At the first event I attended, I was surprised that more than 400 people were there to listen to Simon Sinek speak. There was free coffee from local coffee shops, free food samples from various local businesses, and tons of smiling faces! It was truly amazing how many people voluntarily showed up at 8 a.m. on a Friday morning to end their week in a positive way.

When I moved to Birmingham and began interviewing for jobs, one tough question I was asked was, “Given your city-hopping track record, how long do you plan to stay in Birmingham?” My response was that I planned to stay here long-term, because my boyfriend will eventually run his family’s company in town. The person interviewing me immediately responded with, “Oh, so you’re stuck here.”

California to Birmingham was a big move, so this kind of attitude was concerning to me. Was I “stuck” in a city where I would be unhappy?

After I started working for Sigao, my attitude changed, and I began to feel more at peace with my decision. I fell more and more in love with the city – the downtown revival, the tech scene, the restaurants, the fitness scene. I started thinking about what I could do to make this city even greater and to bring some of what I loved about Atlanta and San Diego to Birmingham.

CreativeMornings is an opportunity for Birmingham to show off how great it is on both a city level and a global level. It is held in 190 cities around the world and each city’s event is showcased on their website along with their global sponsors (Adobe, MailChimp, and WordPress). This also allows for business professionals from different sectors to connect, see how they can work together, or just start your day off with smiling faces, a good speaker, and a cup of coffee!

I encourage you to stay tuned about CreativeMornings Birmingham through their website or on our CreativeMornings Instagram (handle: CM_birmingham.)

If the plan doesn’t work, change the plan but never the goal.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi gravida sollicitudin egestas. Ut lobortis eros vitae mauris cursus, vel faucibus turpis volutpat. Duis aliquam eu nibh non molestie. Sed pretium sit amet tellus eu pellentesque. In sed dictum quam. Nullam pulvinar porttitor lorem, eget placerat sapien sodales eget. Quisque ac mattis dui. Nunc sodales nisl pretium, tempor felis et, sagittis purus. Nullam quis purus quam. Nulla ligula libero, luctus eget efficitur eu, ullamcorper non ex. Sed eget ullamcorper diam, non hendrerit lorem. Pellentesque imperdiet nec mi at malesuada. Sed gravida at tortor non interdum.

If the plan doesn’t work, change the plan but never the goal.

Nulla in consectetur ante. Vivamus elementum ultrices enim vel blandit. Donec facilisis diam quis molestie ultricies. Phasellus volutpat eros vel arcu aliquet luctus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Sed sed arcu at mi fringilla pellentesque at quis metus. Maecenas lacinia efficitur libero, sed congue risus eleifend quis. Cras lectus elit, fringilla eget erat vel, euismod gravida lacus. Nunc neque ex, ultricies non aliquet in, pretium rhoncus tellus. Curabitur at odio consequat, varius est nec, gravida elit. Donec et blandit ligula. Mauris eleifend, lacus ac gravida ullamcorper, nulla libero fermentum turpis, id pulvinar leo elit id orci. Vestibulum massa lacus, cursus eu faucibus lacinia, euismod vel metus. Ut et eleifend ex, ac laoreet odio.

In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Sed finibus mollis eros a viverra. Donec sollicitudin nisi et odio pulvinar rutrum. Phasellus laoreet feugiat porttitor. Sed lectus quam, molestie sed efficitur vel, suscipit non risus. Suspendisse vitae ex urna. Suspendisse facilisis, eros sed placerat aliquam, lectus libero viverra ligula, sit amet porttitor ante est eget nulla. Etiam interdum ante eget odio rutrum, vel posuere enim dapibus. Maecenas tortor erat, sodales quis orci non, malesuada tempor urna.

In iaculis, leo in semper imperdiet, magna sem dictum odio, nec interdum neque lorem vitae libero. Integer enim ex, interdum porta mollis ac, pellentesque eget augue. Phasellus maximus erat a dui fermentum dictum. Nam at congue nibh, sit amet malesuada mi. Curabitur est augue, gravida sed purus eget, tincidunt rhoncus lectus. Aliquam ornare molestie tortor sed pretium. Donec eu augue mauris. Phasellus eget tincidunt ipsum. Sed non mollis quam. Integer quis hendrerit diam. Mauris convallis arcu eget magna commodo ornare a sit amet libero. Aliquam tristique at arcu a venenatis. Mauris commodo tincidunt ipsum sit amet aliquet.